Friday, February 25, 2011

A Note From Roger Waters

I can't say enough about how much I agree with this statement.

I’ve been at the editing suite today looking at some of the footage of the North American shows that we shot as an aid to making a proper film of the show later for Theatrical and Blu-ray release. 

I am struck by the  number of cell phones held aloft to film bits of the show and also by the amount of flash photography and the number of people texting and twittering. 

This is a minority of the audience  but a significant minority. What do we all think of this? 

For my part I would never turn on a cell phone at any musical event, whether it’s at The Met, The Garden or anywhere else. It would seem to me to show a lack of respect to and care for fellow concert goers or for that matter for the artist.  Apart from anything else, how could I possibly truly experience  the thing I’d paid to see and hear, if I was fiddling with an iPhone, filming or twittering or chatting or whatever? 

Anyway, this is a question not a general admonition, I am genuinely interested to know what you think.

-Roger Waters

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